Monetization Potential : Evaluate the potential for growth in revenue

Monetization Potential : Evaluate the potential for growth in revenue

Monetization Potential: Evaluate the potential for growth in revenue Introduction When considering the acquisition of an online business, assessing the potential for revenue growth is as important as evaluating current profitability. A website’s monetization potential is an indicator of its ability to scale and generate increasing income over time. This article will explore key factors to consider when evaluating a website’s future revenue-generating capabilities. Current Revenue Streams Begin with a thorough analysis of the current revenue streams....

November 7, 2023 · 3 min · Ackuire Admin
Making sure your acquisition is solid technically

Technical Audit : Making sure your acquisition is solid technically

Technical Audit: Making sure your acquisition is solid technically Introduction A technical audit is a comprehensive examination of the technology and systems that underpin a website’s operations. It’s an essential due diligence step when acquiring an online business, as it uncovers potential risks and issues that could impact the site’s long-term stability and scalability. This article will guide you through the key components of a technical audit for a website acquisition....

November 6, 2023 · 5 min · Ackuire Admin